JOMI research suggests CAD/CAM surgical guides are more accurate than model-based guides

A research article published in the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants tested the accuracy of computer-aided surgical templates compared to conventional surgical techniques. The authors found that: “The incorporation of treatment planning modified by CAD/CAM offers significant advantages, including the evaluation of three-dimensional anatomy and the fabrication of anatomic site models and bone-supported surgical templates.”

The journal article goes on to list on advantages of CAD/CAM based surgical guides that include, “shorter treatment times, minimization of intraoperative radiography during implant placement, less invasive surgical techniques (eg. flapless surgery with less swelling and pain and faster initial healing times), prefabrication of a definitive prosthesis, and immediate use of a fixed prosthesis.”

The article concludes that, “Based on the results of the present study, it was noted that the differences between planned and actual implant positions and angulations with the CAD/CAM method were smaller than those placed using a conventional planning method. Table 1 summarizes the results obtained in this study and compares them to previous studies.”

3D Dental Surgical Implant Guide Comparison

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About Guided Surgery Solutions, LLC
Guided Surgery Solutions, LLC designs, manufactures, and sells 3D image-based surgical guides for dental implant surgery. The ThinLayer® Drill Guide System was developed in the founder’s clinical practice, in response to design limitations found in existing products. The solution makes guided surgery technically and economically feasible for all implant surgeons, allowing them to provide better treatment to more patients. Please visit for more information.